
Title Type
Anotace pro Google Project
Automated Speech Scoring in Czech Project
Automatic MWE Identification Project
Bengali Visual Genome Project
Centrum vizuální historie Malach Project
CorefUD Project
Czech Academic Corpus Project
Czech Court Decisions Dataset Project
Czech Legal Text Treebank Project
Czech Malach Cross-lingual Speech Retrieval Test Collection Project
Czech Named Entity Corpus Project
Czech RST Discourse Treebank 1.0 Project
Czech-English Manual Word Alignment Project
CzeDLex - A Lexicon of Czech Discourse Connectives Project
CzEng Project
CzEngVallex - Czech and English verbal valency Project
Deep Universal Dependencies Project
Deltacorpus Project
DeriNet Project
ELITR Minuting Corpus Project
EngVallex - English valency lexicon linked to corpora Project
European Language Grid Project
EUROSAI Corpus Project
EVALD 3.0 (Evaluator of Discourse) Project
Eyetracked Multi-Modal Translation Project
Functional Generative Description Project
HamleDT Project
Hausa Visual Question Answering Dataset Project
HindEnCorp Project
Hindi Visual Genome Project
HPLT kick-off Project
Implicit relations in text coherence Project
Interset Project
JTagger Project
Lexical-semantic Annotation / SemLex Lexicon Project
Lindat KonText Project
Linguistic Factors of Readability Project
Malach Centre for Visual History Project
Malayalam Visual Genome Project
Medieval Charter Sections Corpus Project
Medieval Charter Sections Corpus Project
Methods for rapid discourse annotation in selected corpora Project
Modeling of Complexity in Czech Literary Texts Project
MorfFlex CZ Project
Multilingual Corpus Annotation as a Support for Language Technologies Project
MUSCIMA++ Project
NomVallex: Valency Lexicon of Czech Nouns and Adjectives Project
ParCzech Project
PAWS (Parallel Anaphoric Wall Street Journal) Project
PDT-C Project
PDT-Vallex: Valency Lexicon Linked to Czech Corpora Project
PDTSC 2.0 Project
Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank Project
Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank 2.0 Coref Project
Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank 3.0 Project
Prague Database of Spoken Language 1.0 Project
Prague Dependency Treebank Project
Prague Dependency Treebank 3.0 Project
Prague Dependency Treebank 3.5 Project
Prague Discourse Treebank 1.0 Project
Prague Discourse Treebank 2.0 Project
Prague Discourse Treebank 3.0 Project
Prague Discourse Treebank 4.0 Project
Prague English Dependency Treebank Project
QT21 Project
ROMi 1.0 Project
Selected derivational relations for automatic processing of Czech Project
Semantic Pattern Recognition Project
Sentiment Analysis in Czech Project
Shallow discourse parsing in Czech Project
Slovakoczech NLP workshop Project
SPAT Project
SumeCzech Project
UFAL Medical Corpus Project
UFAL Parallel Corpus of North Levantine Project
UniDive Project
Universal Dependencies Project
Universal Derivations Project
Universal Segmentations Project
UrMonoCorp Project
Valency Lexicon of Czech Verbs VALLEX Project
VPS-30-En: Verb Pattern Sample - 30 English Project
VPS-GradeUp Project
W2C Project
WordSim353-cs: Evaluation Dataset for Lexical Similarity and Relatedness, based on WordSim353 Project
Working with the Penn Discourse Treebank Project
Working with the RST-DT and the RST-SC Project
Combining Words: Syntactic Properties of Czech Multiword Expressions with Light Verbs Grant
A comparison of Czech and English verbal valency based on corpus material (theory and practice) Grant
A data-based approach to competition in word-formation: selected semantic categories across seven languages Grant
Adapting Uniform Meaning Representation (UMR) for the Italic/Romance languages Grant
An Integrated Approach to Derivational and Inflectional Morphology of Czech Grant
Automatická analýza diskurzních vztahů v češtině Grant
Automatické hodnocení mluveného projevu v češtině [Automated Speech Scoring in Czech] Grant
CEDMO 2.0 NPO Grant
Center for the Transdisciplinary Research of Violence, Trauma and Justice Grant
Centre for Language Research Infrastructure in the Czech Republic Grant
Čeština ve věku strojového překladu Grant
Common Language Resources and their Applications - a Marie Curie ITN Grant
Computational Literary Studies Infrastructure Grant
Contextually-based synonymy and valency of verbs in a bilingual setting Grant
Coreference, Discourse Relations and Information Structure in a Contrastive Perspective Grant
Cracking the Language Barrier: Coordination, Evaluation and Resources for European MT Research Grant
Cross-lingual approaches to coreference resolution Grant
Deep Syntactic Representation across Languages Grant
Delving Deeper: Lexicographic Description of Syntactic and Semantic Properties of Czech Verbs Grant
Developing derivational networks for multiple languages Grant
Digital Analysis of Chant Transmission Grant
Disagreement in corpus annotation and variation of human understanding of text Grant
Domain Adaptation for Natural Language Generation Grant
Epistemic and Evidential Markers in Czech Grant
Establishing and operating the Czech node of pan-European infrastructure for research (Vybudování a provoz českého uzlu pan-evropské infrastruktury pro výzkum) Grant
EUDAT: European Data Infrastructure Grant
European Language Grid Grant
Evaluation of conversational speech synthesis Grant
Explicitní popis jazyka a anotovaná data se zřetelem na češtinu Grant
Global Coherence of Czech Texts in the Corpus-Based Perspective Grant
Health in my Language Grant
High Performance Language Technologies Grant
Implicit Relations in Text Coherence Grant
Information mining from spoken dialogue Grant
Intelligent library Grant
LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ Language Resources and Digital Arts and Humanities Research Infrastructure Grant
LINDAT/CLARIN - Research infrastructure for language technologies – extension of the repository and its computational power Grant
Linguistic Factors of Readability in Czech Administrative and Educational Texts Grant
Merlin Grant
Metody pro rychlou diskurzní anotaci ve vybraných korpusech Grant
Modelling dependency syntax across languages Grant
Modelování komplexity českých literárních textů Grant
Modern Spoken Dialog Systems Grant
Morphologically and Syntactically Annotated Corpora of Many Languages Grant
MosesCore Grant
Multilingual Corpus Annotation as a Support for Language Technologies Grant
Multilingual Lens: Investigating Large Text Corpora from Different Methodological Perspectives Grant
Multiple Intelligent Conversation Agent Services for Reception, Management and Integration of Third Country Nationals. Grant
Named Entity Linking Grant
OmniOMR - optical music recognition using machine learning for digital libraries Grant
On Linguistic Structure of Evaluative Meaning in Czech Grant
Open domain dialog management with knowledge graphs Grant
PoliSys: Systém pro analýzu policejních dat pro potřeby Policie ČR Grant
Promoting digital education of foreign-language children through machine translation Grant
Quality Translation 21 Grant
Reviving Zellig S. Harris: More linguistic information for distributional lexical analysis of English and Czech Grant
Sentence-Level Polarity Detection in a Computer Corpus Grant
Strojový překlad se sémantickou informací Grant
Structure of coreferential chains in parallel language data Grant
Subcategorization of adverbial meanings based on corpus data Grant
Synthetic training data generation and other methods for handwritten music recognition Grant
TextLink: Skladba diskurzu v evropských jazycích Grant
Tools and data for Machine Translation between Related Languages Grant
Towards a Computational Analysis of Text Structure Grant
Transatlantic Collaboration between LAPPS and CLARIN: Semantic, Technical and Infrastructural Interoperability of Services Grant
Uniform Meaning Representation (UMR) Grant
Utilizing a Multitude of References in Machine Translation Grant
VALLEX - Between Reciprocity and Reflexivity: The Case of Czech Reciprocal Constructions Grant
Word-formation structure of Czech words: a data-based research Grant