Czech-English Manual Word Alignment

Author: David Mareček

License: Creative Commons - Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Download the data from the LINDAT repository:

This corpus of manually aligned Czech-English parallel sentences have been created in 2008. Its purpose was to test alignment quality of automatic word-alignment tools. The data were revised and uploaded to LINDAT in 2016. The corpus comprises 2500 parallel sentences from 7 different sources.

dirname source #chunks #sentences #ENtokens #CStokens #alltokens
celex Acquis Communautaire 10 501 13,512 10,752 24,264
rd Reader’s Digest 7 350 6,294 5,792 12,086
project_syndicate Project Syndicate 10 484 10,714 9,990 20,704
kacenka Kačenka 2 100 3,006 2,553 5,559
books E-Books 1 50 797 633 1,430
named_entities Project Syndicate with NE 168 500 12,799 11,052 23,871
pcedt PCEDT 22 515 12,697 12,174 24,871
  total 190 2500 59,819 52,946 112,765

The description and links to the individual data sources, annotation guidelines and the description of the annotation procedure is in Chapter 4 of David Mareček's diploma thesis, which is included in the package.

Manually aligned data are in directory 'data'.
Automatically merged alignments by two different annotators are in directory 'merged_data'.
You can browse the manual alignments using program ALPACO.

Usage:  perl tools/

Annotators (file extensions in brackets): Ondřej Bojar (.o.wa), Magdalena Prokopová (.p.wa), Martin Popel (.m.wa), Zuzana Škardová (.z.wa), Markus Giger (.g.wa), Jiří Januška (.j.wa)

How to cite

If you make use of the CzEnAli corpus, please cite my thesis:

@mastersthesis{ marecek:2008,
  title = {Automatic Alignment of Tectogrammatical Trees from Czech-English Parallel Corpus},
  author = {David Mare{\v{c}}ek},
  year = {2008},
  school = {Charles University},
  address = {{MFF} {UK}},