
Title Type
Cognitive insights into analysis of translationese combining product and process data Event
The Universe of Dependencies: Past and Future Event
THEaiTRE: Challenges in automated generation of theatre play scripts Event
What's new with UDPipe: recent successes, growing pains and future plans Event
2023: Still Annotating Discourse Event
A Case Study of Using LDA Topic Modeling in Sociological Research – Antisemitism in Contemporary Hungary Event
A Comprehensive Account of Reflexives in Czech: The Valency Perspective Event
A Report on the State of Optical Music Recognition Event
A two-stage syntax-based natural language generator Event
Actionability in Cognitive Robotics Event
Adaptation of Machine Translation to Specific Domains and Applications Event
Adventures in Digital Musicology Event
Alquist: How to develop an engaging conversation Event
Analysis of Student Interpreting: Annotation, Alignment, and Automation Event
Analýza pasiva (zvl. toho českého) na základě by-fráze Event
Annotating and predicting implicit discourse relations in the TüBa-DZ Event
Annotation and automatic classification of situation entity types Event
Aplikace Lexikálně-sémantické databáze češtiny: stav a další kroky Event
Automatic Grammatical Error Correction for ESL-Learners by SMT - Getting it right Event
Automatic Transformational Analysis and Generation with NooJ Event
Autorské právo v prostředí jazykových dat a nástrojů (cz) Event
Behavioral studies of LLMs Event
Beyond Shallow Semantics Event
Beyond verbal encoding: multimodal marking in language use Event
Biases and perils of machine translation and its evaluation Event
Breaking the Curse of Multilinguality in Language Models Event
CANCELLED -- Challenges in Trustworthy NLP Event
Čeština jako cizí jazyk: cesta k automatickému hodnocení mluvených projevů Event
Čeština jako pro drop jazyk (pohled v počátku výzkumu) Event
Challenges in neural natural language generation Event
Challenges in teaching Robots to Perform Tasks Event
Charles Translator for Ukraine Event
Chinese Opinion Mining in JRLLT: Exploration of Fine-Grained OM Approaches Event
Číslovky napříč rovinami Pražských závislostních korpusů Event
CLARIN: Requirements, Examples & Experiences Event
CloudASR: A Web Platform for Automatic Speech Recognition Event
Co znamená znalost morfologie: zkoumání u dětí a dospělých Event
Cognitive State Classification using Machine Learning Techniques Event
Coherence relations and connectives: on cognitive categories, cross-linguistic comparison and discourse annotation Event
Cohesion in Czech: semantics of explicit and implicit discourse relations Event
Combining dependency parsers using error rates Event
Combining symbolic and statistical methods in corpus-based NLP Event
Comparison of coreferential expressions in Czech and English Event
Compounding in Czech Event
Computational methods and statistics in the annotation and analysis of discourse relations Event
CoNLL shared task in parsing universal dependencies Event
Constraint-based Question Answering via Knowledge Graph Event
Construction Grammar and the description of Czech word-formation Event
Content-based Segmentation for Audio-Visual Information Retrieval Event
Coreference resolution using parallel corpora Event
Coreference Without Borders: 4 Years of CorefUD and CRAC Shared Tasks Event
Cross-lingual information retrieval Event
Cross-lingual search in medical texts Event
Cross-lingual Transfer of Dependency Parsers Event
Czech Light Verbs from a Lexicographic Point of View Event
CzEngClass - bilingual lexicon of verbal synonym classes Event
Data Extraction with NLP techniques and its Transformation to Linked Data Event
Decline and disappearance: on the negative side of recent change in English Event
Deep Learning for Bilingual Sentiment Analysis of Short Texts Event
Délka syntaktické fráze a klauze a jejich vliv na slovosledné postavení staročeských pronominálních enklitik Event
DeriMo 2019 Event
DeriNet: A Lexical Network of Czech Derived Words Event
Descriptive tradition, experimental research, and the semantics of conversion Event
DigiLing Summer School 2019 Event
Discourse Connective Lexicons: Best Practices and Lessons Learnt Event
Discourse structure in text and dialogue: theoretical and empirical perspectives Event
Diskurzní vztahy a konektory: explicitnost, implicitnost a asymetrie Event
Do we need structured annotations for task-oriented dialogue systems? Event
EdUKate: Multilingual Learning Materials for Ukrainian Children in Czech Schools Event
Efficiency Metrics for Data-Driven Models: A Text Summarization Case Study Event
Elliptic Constructions: Spotting Patterns in UD Treebanks Event
Empirical evidence for paradigmatic organization across morphology Event
Engagement Recognition And Generation For Human-Robot Interaction; Disco: An Open Source Tool for Dialog Management Event
English and Czech of non-native speakers within NLP Event
English presentative semantic patterns as seen through a parallel translation corpus Event
English-Bhojpuri Statistical Machine Translation System Event
Enhancing Universal Dependencies Event
Enhancing Universal Dependency Annotation Event
EVALD – Software Applications for Automatic Evaluation of Text Event
Expert Performance and the Multilingual Brain Event
Exploiting KonText for querying corpora from the Lindat repository Event
Factuality Challenges in the Era of Large Language Models Event
Found in Translation - Learning to understand languages with cross-lingual grounding Event
From opinion mining to text parsing: Toward the automatic analysis of editorials Event
From syncretism to a model of grammar: the case of datives, allatives and locatives Event
From the Jungle to a Park: Harmonizing Annotations Across Languages Event
Google n-grams: Případ italských N+N kompozit typu verbal-nexus Event
Grammar-licensed Treebank of Czech Event
Granularity in coherence relations and in connective description: Empirical and practical considerations Event
Growing Trees: Non-Linear Incremental Parsing during Writing Event
HiČKoK: History of Czech in Corpus Continuum Event
How to evaluate a corpus Event
Human language as an exercise in creative recycling: welcome to the world of grammatical constructions Event
Identification of Geographical References in Text Event
Improving Dependency Parsing Using Sentence Clause Charts Event
Improving Word Representations by Introducing Atomic Subwords in fastText -- CANCELLED Event
Investigating the valency of prefixed and particle verbs using SynSemClass Event
Jak čeští mluvčí 'uptalkují'? Event
Jak se dá rozumět vývoji Chomského teorie od Syntactic Structures (1957) k Problems of Projection (2013)? Event
Kompozita N-N: strukturní inovace v románských jazycích Event
Kontextová specifičnost lemmatu – diachronní analýza Event
K analýze wh-extrakce z vedlejší věty Event
Large Language Models: Second Paradigm Change in Multilingual NLP within five years Event
Learning to Find Out What the User Wants: LSTM Dialog State Tracker Event
Learning under Bias in NLP Event
Lecture in the Monday Seminar Series (topic tba) Event
Lessons from applying ChatGPT to nutritional counselling Event
Lexical obsolescence and loss: two methodological probes Event
Lexical Semantics in Formal Semantics: History and Challenges Event
Lexikální databáze víceslovných jednotek v češtině Event
Living under populism: interpretive-structural coding and semantic network analysis of Czech and Polish discourses Event
LLMs and Factuality Event
Logical Form: A Linguistic Formalism from Microsoft Research Event
Lost in the Woods? Transition-Based Dependency Parsing with Non-Projective Trees Event
LRI LINDAT and teaching about language technologies for research in the humanities Event
Machine learning for social multi-user human robot interaction Event
Machine Translation and Discriminative Models Event
Modelování slovotvorných vztahů ve slovní zásobě češtiny Event
Morphological Derivation in Context Configurations for Class-Specific Word Embeddings Event
MSDRT: A formal framework for a communication-theoretic semantics and pragmatics of natural language Event
Multi-Source Simultaneous Speech Translation Event
Multilingual Coreference Resolution with Harmonized Annotation Event
Multilingual parallel corpora and linguistic theory: How to compare constraints cross-linguistically Event
Multilingual pre-trained encoders: How far can we get with multilingual data? Event
Multilingual Zero-Shot Transfer in Low-Resource Settings Event
Multimodal Machines from the perspective of humans Event
Navigating the metrics maze: How reliable are metric differences? Event
Neural architectures for character-level NLP Event
Neural Network Based Named Entity Recognition Event
No surprise here: On discourse expectations, underspecified coherence relations, and reduced referring expressions Event
NomVallex: Valenční slovník českých substantiv a adjektiv Event
NomVallex: Valenční slovník českých substantiv založený na korpusu Event
NovaMorf - nová morfologie pro značkování korpusů češtiny Event
NU-verbs in Czech and Polish (joint work with Bartosz Wiland) Event
O vokativu Event
Open-Source Taggers for (Czech) POS Tagging and NE Recognition Event
Optimal reference translations Event
Pattern Grammar meets construction grammar Event
Patterns in derivation of Czech: Applying the paradigmatic approach to Czech word-formation Event
PhD Research Forum Event
PhD Research Forum Event
Prefixy v syntaxi a ve slovníku Event
Přínos moderních zobrazovacích metod k poznání kognitivních funkcí mozku Event
Problémy tvorby a anotácie webových korpusov Aranea Event
Processing of Garden-Path Sentences in Czech Event
Propojování valenčních slovníků Event
Prostředky textové koheze v češtině nerodilých mluvčích Event
Psycholinguistic corpora, eye movements and meaning representations Event
Pursuit of Fair and Effective Text Segmentation in Multilingual Language Models Event
Putting Linguistics back into Computational Linguistics Event
Reading and Predicting Music History Event
Referring expressions and coreference chains in French: annotation strategies, annotating tools, and annotated resources Event
Reflexive verbs in Serbian language Event
Reflexives in Universal Dependencies (based on joint work with Sonja Marković) Event
Representing Spatial Information in Language Event
Reprezentace komplexních predikátů s kategoriálním slovesem ve slovníku VALLEX Event
Rhetorical Structure Theory as a Model of Global Coherence Event
Sequence-to-sequence natural language generation for spoken dialogue systems Event
Signalling discourse relations Event
Smart Enough to Talk with Us? Foundations and Challenges for Dialogue Capable AI Systems Event
Spanish in the Multilingual Event-type Ontology SynSemClass Event
Speech recognition using Kaldi Event
Spracovania valencie slovenských slovies v pripravovanom Valenčnom slovníku slovenských slovies na korpusovom základe Event
Srovnávací konstrukce v češtině Event
Strategies for cohesive dialogues in Scandinavian Event
Subkategorizace adverbiálních významů na základě korpusových dat Event
Syntéza češtiny s využitím neuronových sítí Event
Systém automatické komunikace v přirozeném jazyce Event
Systematický popis variantních slovesných tvarů pro automatickou morfologickou analýzu češtiny Event
Target-Side Context for Discriminative Models in Statistical MT Event
tba Event
TEITOK: Merging Digital Humanities and Corpus Linguistics Event
Ten Years of Universal Dependencies Event
Text a koherence Event
Text Summarization of Meeting Dialogues Event
Textová koherence ve starší češtině Event
The Blocks World Redux Event
The Czech team's success at the International Linguistics Olympiad 2024 in Brazil Event
The deep turnaround in machine translation Event
The digital humanities—the “computational linguistics” for the rest of the humanities? Event
The INCOMSLAV project Event
The Most (Subjectively) Interesting Bottlenecks of Large Language Models Development Event
The New Machine Translation—Getting Blood from a Stone Event
The rise and fall of ethnolinguistic diversity: Why there are so many languages in the world and why they are disappearing where they are most numerous Event
The Role of Pseudo-Parallel Data in Unsupervised Machine Translation Event
The Statistical Problem of Language Acquisition Event
The Unnatural Language of Poetic Meters, or Why I Am Scared of Systematicity Event
To Ship or Not to Ship: An Extensive Evaluation of Automatic Metrics for Machine Translation Event
Tokenization for NLP is Hard Event
Toward Natural Metalanguage Processing Event
Towards a multilayer and multidimensional corpus annotation: Following the footprints of the Meaning-Text Theory Event
Towards a Unified Taxonomy of Deep Syntactic Relations Event
Towards Effective Retrieval of Spontaneous Conversational Spoken Content Event
Towards Knowledge-Based Neural Machine Translation Event
Towards large coverage deep-syntactic parsing Event
Towards more faithful natural language explanations Event
Towards Natural Behaviour of Dialogue Systems with Explicit Dialogue Control Event
Towards the automatic detection of syntactic differences Event
Towards UDPipe 3: Insights from the LatinPipe winning submission to EvaLatin 2024 Event
Travel Notes: What Can We Learn from PhD Study Programs Abroad? Event
UFAL 1st year PhD student microconference Event
UFAL Ph.D. Student Conference Event
ÚFAL PhD conference Event
ÚFAL PhD conference Event
ÚFAL PhD conference Event
ÚFAL PhD Students Microconference Event
Understanding symmetrical predicates Event
Understanding, Meaning, and Representations in Large Language Models Event
Universal Dependencies in Mesoamerica Event
Using child-language corpora to study language development Event
Using computer-based text analysis to understand individuals, groups, and cultures Event
Using Typology to Develop Guidelines for Universal Dependencies: Issues with Modification Constructions Event
Valence reflexivních sloves a její zachycení ve valenčním slovníku VALLEX Event
Valenční slovník českých sloves VALLEX: Od slovníku ke gramatice Event
Variabilita registrů češtiny Event
Veřejně dostupné velké jazykové modely: zkušenosti novináře Event
Versologie a určování autorství Event
Výčet jako textová konfigurace Event
Vyjadřování emocí v češtině: lingvistická analýza a praktické aplikace Event
Výzkum syntaxe mluvené češtiny: vybrané problémy analytické a terminologické Event
What do semantic web and linguistics offer to one another? Event
What Everything Can Go Wrong in Live Speech Translation Event
What Happens when Thomas Aquinas Goes to Prague Event
When reference is subjected to evolution: how do we construct and interpret the "chains" between textuality and ontology? Event
Word Sense Disambiguation using Word Embeddings Information Event
Word-formation systems in European languages Event
Working with Universal Dependencies Event
Zkoumání klitik ve starší češtině Event
Zpracování textů v medicíně - ukázky Event
“How I got here”: a personal journey from particle physics through literary studies to data engineering. Event
„A co všechno to má umět?“ Event