Cognitive insights into analysis of translationese combining product and process data |
Event |
The Universe of Dependencies: Past and Future |
Event |
THEaiTRE: Challenges in automated generation of theatre play scripts |
Event |
What's new with UDPipe: recent successes, growing pains and future plans |
Event |
2023: Still Annotating Discourse |
Event |
A Case Study of Using LDA Topic Modeling in Sociological Research – Antisemitism in Contemporary Hungary |
Event |
A Comprehensive Account of Reflexives in Czech: The Valency Perspective |
Event |
A Report on the State of Optical Music Recognition |
Event |
A two-stage syntax-based natural language generator |
Event |
Actionability in Cognitive Robotics |
Event |
Adaptation of Machine Translation to Specific Domains and Applications |
Event |
Adventures in Digital Musicology |
Event |
Alquist: How to develop an engaging conversation |
Event |
Analysis of Student Interpreting: Annotation, Alignment, and Automation |
Event |
Analýza pasiva (zvl. toho českého) na základě by-fráze |
Event |
Annotating and predicting implicit discourse relations in the TüBa-DZ |
Event |
Annotation and automatic classification of situation entity types |
Event |
Aplikace Lexikálně-sémantické databáze češtiny: stav a další kroky |
Event |
Automatic Grammatical Error Correction for ESL-Learners by SMT - Getting it right |
Event |
Automatic Transformational Analysis and Generation with NooJ |
Event |
Autorské právo v prostředí jazykových dat a nástrojů (cz) |
Event |
Behavioral studies of LLMs |
Event |
Beyond Shallow Semantics |
Event |
Beyond verbal encoding: multimodal marking in language use |
Event |
Biases and perils of machine translation and its evaluation |
Event |
Breaking the Curse of Multilinguality in Language Models |
Event |
CANCELLED -- Challenges in Trustworthy NLP |
Event |
Čeština jako cizí jazyk: cesta k automatickému hodnocení mluvených projevů |
Event |
Čeština jako pro drop jazyk (pohled v počátku výzkumu) |
Event |
Challenges in neural natural language generation |
Event |
Challenges in teaching Robots to Perform Tasks |
Event |
Charles Translator for Ukraine |
Event |
Chinese Opinion Mining in JRLLT: Exploration of Fine-Grained OM Approaches |
Event |
Číslovky napříč rovinami Pražských závislostních korpusů |
Event |
CLARIN: Requirements, Examples & Experiences |
Event |
CloudASR: A Web Platform for Automatic Speech Recognition |
Event |
Co znamená znalost morfologie: zkoumání u dětí a dospělých |
Event |
Cognitive State Classification using Machine Learning Techniques |
Event |
Coherence relations and connectives: on cognitive categories, cross-linguistic comparison and discourse annotation |
Event |
Cohesion in Czech: semantics of explicit and implicit discourse relations |
Event |
Combining dependency parsers using error rates |
Event |
Combining symbolic and statistical methods in corpus-based NLP |
Event |
Comparison of coreferential expressions in Czech and English |
Event |
Compounding in Czech |
Event |
Computational methods and statistics in the annotation and analysis of discourse relations |
Event |
CoNLL shared task in parsing universal dependencies |
Event |
Constraint-based Question Answering via Knowledge Graph |
Event |
Construction Grammar and the description of Czech word-formation |
Event |
Content-based Segmentation for Audio-Visual Information Retrieval |
Event |
Coreference resolution using parallel corpora |
Event |
Coreference Without Borders: 4 Years of CorefUD and CRAC Shared Tasks |
Event |
Cross-lingual information retrieval |
Event |
Cross-lingual search in medical texts |
Event |
Cross-lingual Transfer of Dependency Parsers |
Event |
Czech Light Verbs from a Lexicographic Point of View |
Event |
CzEngClass - bilingual lexicon of verbal synonym classes |
Event |
Data Extraction with NLP techniques and its Transformation to Linked Data |
Event |
Decline and disappearance: on the negative side of recent change in English |
Event |
Deep Learning for Bilingual Sentiment Analysis of Short Texts |
Event |
Délka syntaktické fráze a klauze a jejich vliv na slovosledné postavení staročeských pronominálních enklitik |
Event |
DeriMo 2019 |
Event |
DeriNet: A Lexical Network of Czech Derived Words |
Event |
Descriptive tradition, experimental research, and the semantics of conversion |
Event |
DigiLing Summer School 2019 |
Event |
Discourse Connective Lexicons: Best Practices and Lessons Learnt |
Event |
Discourse structure in text and dialogue: theoretical and empirical perspectives |
Event |
Diskurzní vztahy a konektory: explicitnost, implicitnost a asymetrie |
Event |
Do we need structured annotations for task-oriented dialogue systems? |
Event |
EdUKate: Multilingual Learning Materials for Ukrainian Children in Czech Schools |
Event |
Efficiency Metrics for Data-Driven Models: A Text Summarization Case Study |
Event |
Elliptic Constructions: Spotting Patterns in UD Treebanks |
Event |
Empirical evidence for paradigmatic organization across morphology |
Event |
Engagement Recognition And Generation For Human-Robot Interaction; Disco: An Open Source Tool for Dialog Management |
Event |
English and Czech of non-native speakers within NLP |
Event |
English presentative semantic patterns as seen through a parallel translation corpus |
Event |
English-Bhojpuri Statistical Machine Translation System |
Event |
Enhancing Universal Dependencies |
Event |
Enhancing Universal Dependency Annotation |
Event |
EVALD – Software Applications for Automatic Evaluation of Text |
Event |
Expert Performance and the Multilingual Brain |
Event |
Exploiting KonText for querying corpora from the Lindat repository |
Event |
Factuality Challenges in the Era of Large Language Models |
Event |
Found in Translation - Learning to understand languages with cross-lingual grounding |
Event |
From opinion mining to text parsing: Toward the automatic analysis of editorials |
Event |
From syncretism to a model of grammar: the case of datives, allatives and locatives |
Event |
From the Jungle to a Park: Harmonizing Annotations Across Languages |
Event |
Google n-grams: Případ italských N+N kompozit typu verbal-nexus |
Event |
Grammar-licensed Treebank of Czech |
Event |
Granularity in coherence relations and in connective description: Empirical and practical considerations |
Event |
Growing Trees: Non-Linear Incremental Parsing during Writing |
Event |
HiČKoK: History of Czech in Corpus Continuum |
Event |
How to evaluate a corpus |
Event |
Human language as an exercise in creative recycling: welcome to the world of grammatical constructions |
Event |
Identification of Geographical References in Text |
Event |
Improving Dependency Parsing Using Sentence Clause Charts |
Event |
Improving Word Representations by Introducing Atomic Subwords in fastText -- CANCELLED |
Event |
Investigating the valency of prefixed and particle verbs using SynSemClass |
Event |
Jak čeští mluvčí 'uptalkují'? |
Event |
Jak se dá rozumět vývoji Chomského teorie od Syntactic Structures (1957) k Problems of Projection (2013)? |
Event |
Kompozita N-N: strukturní inovace v románských jazycích |
Event |
Kontextová specifičnost lemmatu – diachronní analýza |
Event |
K analýze wh-extrakce z vedlejší věty |
Event |
Large Language Models: Second Paradigm Change in Multilingual NLP within five years |
Event |
Learning to Find Out What the User Wants: LSTM Dialog State Tracker |
Event |
Learning under Bias in NLP |
Event |
Lecture in the Monday Seminar Series (topic tba) |
Event |
Lessons from applying ChatGPT to nutritional counselling |
Event |
Lexical obsolescence and loss: two methodological probes |
Event |
Lexical Semantics in Formal Semantics: History and Challenges |
Event |
Lexikální databáze víceslovných jednotek v češtině |
Event |
Living under populism: interpretive-structural coding and semantic network analysis of Czech and Polish discourses |
Event |
LLMs and Factuality |
Event |
Logical Form: A Linguistic Formalism from Microsoft Research |
Event |
Lost in the Woods? Transition-Based Dependency Parsing with Non-Projective Trees |
Event |
LRI LINDAT and teaching about language technologies for research in the humanities |
Event |
Machine learning for social multi-user human robot interaction |
Event |
Machine Translation and Discriminative Models |
Event |
Modelování slovotvorných vztahů ve slovní zásobě češtiny |
Event |
Morphological Derivation in Context Configurations for Class-Specific Word Embeddings |
Event |
MSDRT: A formal framework for a communication-theoretic semantics and pragmatics of natural language |
Event |
Multi-Source Simultaneous Speech Translation |
Event |
Multilingual Coreference Resolution with Harmonized Annotation |
Event |
Multilingual parallel corpora and linguistic theory: How to compare constraints cross-linguistically |
Event |
Multilingual pre-trained encoders: How far can we get with multilingual data? |
Event |
Multilingual Zero-Shot Transfer in Low-Resource Settings |
Event |
Multimodal Machines from the perspective of humans |
Event |
Navigating the metrics maze: How reliable are metric differences? |
Event |
Neural architectures for character-level NLP |
Event |
Neural Network Based Named Entity Recognition |
Event |
No surprise here: On discourse expectations, underspecified coherence relations, and reduced referring expressions |
Event |
NomVallex: Valenční slovník českých substantiv a adjektiv |
Event |
NomVallex: Valenční slovník českých substantiv založený na korpusu |
Event |
NovaMorf - nová morfologie pro značkování korpusů češtiny |
Event |
NU-verbs in Czech and Polish (joint work with Bartosz Wiland) |
Event |
O vokativu |
Event |
Open-Source Taggers for (Czech) POS Tagging and NE Recognition |
Event |
Optimal reference translations |
Event |
Pattern Grammar meets construction grammar |
Event |
Patterns in derivation of Czech: Applying the paradigmatic approach to Czech word-formation |
Event |
PhD Research Forum |
Event |
PhD Research Forum |
Event |
Prefixy v syntaxi a ve slovníku |
Event |
Přínos moderních zobrazovacích metod k poznání kognitivních funkcí mozku |
Event |
Problémy tvorby a anotácie webových korpusov Aranea |
Event |
Processing of Garden-Path Sentences in Czech |
Event |
Propojování valenčních slovníků |
Event |
Prostředky textové koheze v češtině nerodilých mluvčích |
Event |
Psycholinguistic corpora, eye movements and meaning representations |
Event |
Pursuit of Fair and Effective Text Segmentation in Multilingual Language Models |
Event |
Putting Linguistics back into Computational Linguistics |
Event |
Reading and Predicting Music History |
Event |
Referring expressions and coreference chains in French: annotation strategies, annotating tools, and annotated resources |
Event |
Reflexive verbs in Serbian language |
Event |
Reflexives in Universal Dependencies (based on joint work with Sonja Marković) |
Event |
Representing Spatial Information in Language |
Event |
Reprezentace komplexních predikátů s kategoriálním slovesem ve slovníku VALLEX |
Event |
Rhetorical Structure Theory as a Model of Global Coherence |
Event |
Sequence-to-sequence natural language generation for spoken dialogue systems |
Event |
Signalling discourse relations |
Event |
Smart Enough to Talk with Us? Foundations and Challenges for Dialogue Capable AI Systems |
Event |
Spanish in the Multilingual Event-type Ontology SynSemClass |
Event |
Speech recognition using Kaldi |
Event |
Spracovania valencie slovenských slovies v pripravovanom Valenčnom slovníku slovenských slovies na korpusovom základe |
Event |
Srovnávací konstrukce v češtině |
Event |
Strategies for cohesive dialogues in Scandinavian |
Event |
Subkategorizace adverbiálních významů na základě korpusových dat |
Event |
Syntéza češtiny s využitím neuronových sítí |
Event |
Systém automatické komunikace v přirozeném jazyce |
Event |
Systematický popis variantních slovesných tvarů pro automatickou morfologickou analýzu češtiny |
Event |
Target-Side Context for Discriminative Models in Statistical MT |
Event |
tba |
Event |
TEITOK: Merging Digital Humanities and Corpus Linguistics |
Event |
Ten Years of Universal Dependencies |
Event |
Text a koherence |
Event |
Text Summarization of Meeting Dialogues |
Event |
Textová koherence ve starší češtině |
Event |
The Blocks World Redux |
Event |
The Czech team's success at the International Linguistics Olympiad 2024 in Brazil |
Event |
The deep turnaround in machine translation |
Event |
The digital humanities—the “computational linguistics” for the rest of the humanities? |
Event |
The INCOMSLAV project |
Event |
The Most (Subjectively) Interesting Bottlenecks of Large Language Models Development |
Event |
The New Machine Translation—Getting Blood from a Stone |
Event |
The rise and fall of ethnolinguistic diversity: Why there are so many languages in the world and why they are disappearing where they are most numerous |
Event |
The Role of Pseudo-Parallel Data in Unsupervised Machine Translation |
Event |
The Statistical Problem of Language Acquisition |
Event |
The Unnatural Language of Poetic Meters, or Why I Am Scared of Systematicity |
Event |
To Ship or Not to Ship: An Extensive Evaluation of Automatic Metrics for Machine Translation |
Event |
Tokenization for NLP is Hard |
Event |
Toward Natural Metalanguage Processing |
Event |
Towards a multilayer and multidimensional corpus annotation: Following the footprints of the Meaning-Text Theory |
Event |
Towards a Unified Taxonomy of Deep Syntactic Relations |
Event |
Towards Effective Retrieval of Spontaneous Conversational Spoken Content |
Event |
Towards Knowledge-Based Neural Machine Translation |
Event |
Towards large coverage deep-syntactic parsing |
Event |
Towards more faithful natural language explanations |
Event |
Towards Natural Behaviour of Dialogue Systems with Explicit Dialogue Control |
Event |
Towards the automatic detection of syntactic differences |
Event |
Towards UDPipe 3: Insights from the LatinPipe winning submission to EvaLatin 2024 |
Event |
Travel Notes: What Can We Learn from PhD Study Programs Abroad? |
Event |
UFAL 1st year PhD student microconference |
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UFAL Ph.D. Student Conference |
Event |
ÚFAL PhD conference |
Event |
ÚFAL PhD conference |
Event |
ÚFAL PhD conference |
Event |
ÚFAL PhD Students Microconference |
Event |
Understanding symmetrical predicates |
Event |
Understanding, Meaning, and Representations in Large Language Models |
Event |
Universal Dependencies in Mesoamerica |
Event |
Using child-language corpora to study language development |
Event |
Using computer-based text analysis to understand individuals, groups, and cultures |
Event |
Using Typology to Develop Guidelines for Universal Dependencies: Issues with Modification Constructions |
Event |
Valence reflexivních sloves a její zachycení ve valenčním slovníku VALLEX |
Event |
Valenční slovník českých sloves VALLEX: Od slovníku ke gramatice |
Event |
Variabilita registrů češtiny |
Event |
Veřejně dostupné velké jazykové modely: zkušenosti novináře |
Event |
Versologie a určování autorství |
Event |
Výčet jako textová konfigurace |
Event |
Vyjadřování emocí v češtině: lingvistická analýza a praktické aplikace |
Event |
Výzkum syntaxe mluvené češtiny: vybrané problémy analytické a terminologické |
Event |
What do semantic web and linguistics offer to one another? |
Event |
What Everything Can Go Wrong in Live Speech Translation |
Event |
What Happens when Thomas Aquinas Goes to Prague |
Event |
When reference is subjected to evolution: how do we construct and interpret the "chains" between textuality and ontology? |
Event |
Word Sense Disambiguation using Word Embeddings Information |
Event |
Word-formation systems in European languages |
Event |
Working with Universal Dependencies |
Event |
Zkoumání klitik ve starší češtině |
Event |
Zpracování textů v medicíně - ukázky |
Event |
“How I got here”: a personal journey from particle physics through literary studies to data engineering. |
Event |
„A co všechno to má umět?“ |
Event |