Monday, 5 May, 2025 - 14:00

Living under populism: interpretive-structural coding and semantic network analysis of Czech and Polish discourses

A goal of the broader project is to generate a comprehensive theory of right-wing populism, encompassing top-down (supply) and bottom-up (demand) dimensions of economic, political, and cultural processes that generate the phenomenon. To study the bottom-up dimension of the cultural process, we have collected rich interview data in Czech and Polish, which we are now analyzing. Simultaneously, we are developing two methods: interpretive-structural coding and semantic network analysis. Our goal is to create not only a “mere” codebook but a robust ontology of categories that form “deeper” networks detectable in people’s thinking. Our abductive approach draws in equal measure on the extant theories of populism and empirical data.

*** The talk will be delivered in person (MFF UK, Malostranské nám. 25, 4th floor, room S1) and will be streamed via Zoom. For details how to join the Zoom meeting, please write to sevcikova et ***