Text Processing

Czech Parsing

If an application is supposed to understand natural language to some extent, it usually has to (syntactically) parse the input utterances. I.e., it attempts to discover relations between words of the sentence, and the way their meanings combine to form the overall meaning of the sentence. We call the application module responsible for that a parser. ... [learn more]


Treex is a highly modular NLP software system implemented in Perl programming language under Linux.

It is primarily aimed at Machine Translation, making use of the ideas and technology created during the Prague Dependency Treebank project. At the same time, it is also hoped to significantly facilitate and accelerate development of software solutions of many other NLP tasks, especially due to re-usability of the numerous integrated processing modules (called blocks), which are equipped with uniform object-oriented interfaces. ... [learn more]


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Title Tags
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Čapek Annotations, Morphology
CoNLL 2017 Shared Task Annotations, Machine Learning, Multilingual, Parsers, Tools
CoNLL 2018 Shared Task Annotations, Machine Learning, Morphology, Multilingual, Parsers, Tools
Czech Parsing Parsers
Czechizator Machine Translation, Morphology
CzEngVallex - Czech and English verbal valency Annotations, Corpora, Data, Lexicons, Machine Translation, Multilingual, Semantics, Taggers
Deep Universal Dependencies Annotations, Coreference, Corpora, Data, Morphology, Multilingual, Multiword Expressions, Semantics, Syntax, Valency
Deltacorpus Corpora, Data, Machine Learning, Taggers
Depfix Machine Translation, Morphology, Parsers, Taggers, Tools
European Language Grid Corpora, Data, Lexicons, Machine Translation, Multilingual, Parsers, Tools
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Flect Generation, Morphology, Tools
Functional Generative Description Data, Information Structure, Morphology, Semantics, Valency
HamleDT Annotations, Corpora, Data, Multilingual, Parsers
Interset Corpora, Data, Morphology, Multilingual, Taggers, Tools
Lindat KonText Annotations, Corpora, Data, Monolingual, Multilingual, Tools
Methods for rapid discourse annotation in selected corpora Annotations, Corpora, Data, Discourse, Parsers
MorfFlex CZ Corpora, Data, Lexicons, Monolingual, Morphology
morph Morphology, Taggers
MorpInd tool for Clarabridge Taggers, Tools
MTMonkey Machine Translation, Tools
MUSCIMA++ Annotations, Data, Tools
Neural Monkey Machine Learning, Machine Translation, Multi-modality, Multilingual, Tools
NLP_HEALTHCARE2020 Machine Translation, Morphology, Multi-modality, Multilingual, Publications, Semantics, Speech Recognition
PARSEME Annotations, Corpora, Lexicons, Linked data, Machine Learning, Multiword Expressions, Parsers, Semantics, Valency
PARSEME Annotations, Corpora, Lexicons, Multilingual, Multiword Expressions, Parsers, Semantics, Valency
PDT-C Annotations, Coreference, Corpora, Data, Dialog, Discourse, Lexicons, Morphology, Multiword Expressions, Speech Recognition, Syntax, Valency
PDTSC 2.0 Annotations, Corpora, Data, Linked data, Monolingual, Morphology, Multi-modality, Semantics, Speech Recognition, Speech Retrieval, Valency
PML-Tree Query Corpora, Tools
Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank 3.0 Annotations, Coreference, Corpora, Data, Lexicons, Machine Translation, Morphology, Valency
Prague Dependency Treebank Annotations, Coreference, Corpora, Data, Discourse, Information Structure, Lexicons, Monolingual, Morphology, Multiword Expressions, Parsers, Semantics, Syntax, Taggers, Tools, Valency
Prague Dependency Treebank 3.0 Annotations, Coreference, Corpora, Data, Discourse, Information Structure, Monolingual, Morphology, Multiword Expressions, Semantics
Prague Dependency Treebank 3.5 Annotations, Coreference, Corpora, Data, Discourse, Information Structure, Lexicons, Machine Learning, Monolingual, Morphology, Multiword Expressions, Parsers, Publications, Semantics, Syntax, Taggers, Tools, Valency
Prague Discourse Treebank 1.0 Annotations, Coreference, Corpora, Data, Discourse, Information Structure, Monolingual, Morphology, Multiword Expressions, Semantics
Prague Discourse Treebank 2.0 Annotations, Coreference, Corpora, Data, Discourse, Information Structure, Monolingual, Morphology, Multiword Expressions, Semantics
Prague Discourse Treebank 3.0 Annotations, Coreference, Corpora, Data, Discourse, Information Structure, Monolingual, Morphology, Multiword Expressions, Semantics, Syntax, Valency
Prague Discourse Treebank 4.0 Annotations, Coreference, Corpora, Data, Discourse, Information Structure, Monolingual, Morphology, Multiword Expressions, Semantics, Syntax, Valency
Prague Markup Language (PML) Annotations, Corpora, Tools
PRAVIDCO Annotations, Corpora, Data, Discourse, Information Retrieval, Machine Learning, Multi-modality, Multilingual, Speech Recognition, Speech Retrieval, Tools
QT21 Corpora, Data, Lexicons, Linked data, Machine Learning, Machine Translation, Multilingual, Semantics, Tools
Selected derivational relations for automatic processing of Czech Data, Lexicons, Monolingual, Morphology
Semantic Pattern Recognition Annotations, Corpora, Data, Lexicons, Monolingual, Morphology, Parsers, Publications, Semantics, Taggers, Tools, Valency
Sentiment Analysis in Czech Annotations, Corpora, Data, Lexicons, Monolingual, Semantics, Tools
Slovakoczech NLP workshop Annotations, Coreference, Corpora, Data, Dialog, Discourse, Information Retrieval, Information Structure, Lexicons, Linked data, Machine Learning, Machine Translation, Monolingual, Morphology, Multi-modality, Multilingual, Multiword Expressions, Parsers, Publications, Semantics, Speech Recognition, Speech Retrieval, Spellcheckers, Taggers, Tools, Valency
SPAT Data, Information Structure, Machine Learning, Morphology
Styx Annotations, Morphology, Tools
TectoMT Machine Translation, Tools
THEaiTRE Dialog, Tools
Treex Generation, Morphology, Parsers, Taggers, Tools
UniDive Annotations, Corpora, Data, Lexicons, Machine Learning, Morphology, Multilingual, Multiword Expressions, Parsers, Semantics, Syntax, Taggers, Tools
Uniform Meaning Representation for Czech Annotations, Coreference, Corpora, Data, Lexicons, Monolingual, Morphology, Semantics, Syntax, Valency
Uniform Meaning Representation for Latin Annotations, Coreference, Corpora, Data, Monolingual, Morphology, Semantics, Syntax, Valency
Universal Dependencies Annotations, Corpora, Data, Morphology, Multilingual, Parsers
Universal Derivations Annotations, Data, Lexicons, Morphology, Multilingual
Universal Segmentations Annotations, Data, Lexicons, Morphology, Multilingual
Unsupervised Dependency Parsing Parsers, Tools
Working with the Penn Discourse Treebank Annotations, Corpora, Data, Discourse, Linked data, Monolingual, Tools
Working with the RST-DT and the RST-SC Annotations, Corpora, Data, Discourse, Linked data, Semantics, Tools