5.2. The gender grammateme

The basic values of the gender grammateme are presented in Table 5.3, "Values of the gender grammateme".

Table 5.3. Values of the gender grammateme


masculine animate


masculine inanimate





The gender grammateme is a tectogrammatical correlate of the morphological category of gender.

The gender grammateme - just like the number grammateme - is assigned to:

The value of the gender grammateme correspond to that of morphological gender. For example:

děvče [gender=neut] (=girl)

dveře [gender=fem] (=door)

tenhle [gender=anim|inan] (=this)

Viděl jen dva. [gender=anim|inan] (=lit. (He) saw only two)

Oni nepřišli.[gender=anim] (=They didn't come)

!!! This is only a temporary solution.

The gender grammateme of personal and possessive first and second person pronouns. The value of the gender grammateme of the first and second person personal and possessive pronouns (these are so called gender-less pronouns) follows from the morphological gender of the node the given pronoun refers to. For example:

Bratr prohlásil: tam nejdu. [gender=anim] (=My brother said: I am not going there) (the value of the gender grammateme of the pronoun follows from the gender of bratr)

For more details, see Section 6.1.3, "Definite pronominal semantic nouns: personal pronouns".