Bienále české lingvistiky 2024


The workshop Data-based research in word formation (convenors: Jurgis Pakerys & Magda Ševčíková) was held on 19 and 20 September 2024 as part of the first edition of the Biennial of Czech Linguistics at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague.


Workshop program:


Thursday 19 September 2024

14:00-15:30 chair: Jurgis Pakerys

14:00-14:30 Fiammetta Namer, Nabil Hathout & Stéphanie Lignon
Using the Démonette derivational database for research in French morphophonology
- slides available

Matteo Pellegrini, Federica Iurescia, Eleonora Litta & Marco Passarotti
Inflectional and derivational predictions in morphological families. A case study on Latin
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Olena Pchelintseva
Potential and actual word-formation lacunas in the system of Slavic Verbal Nounsa
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17:00-18:00 chair: Fiammetta Namer

Verginica Mititelu, Gianina Iordachioaia, S. Leseva & I. Stoyanova
Measuring the degree of transparency of English derivational suffixes
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Cristina Lara-Clares & Cristina Fernández-Alcaina
Testing ChatGPT for the semantic annotation of (competing) doublets
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Friday 20 September 2020

9:30-11:00 chair: Rossella Varvara

Livio Gaeta
Word-formation in minority languages: corpus linguistics for low-density varieties
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Lior Laks, Fiammetta Namer
What is go-ing on? Morphological sensitivity (and lack thereof) in the incorporation of -ing ending loanwords in French and Hebrew
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Hana Hledíková, Cristina Fernández-Alcaina
Denominal Prefixed Verbs and Their Valency Structure: A Corpus Study on Czech, English, German and Spanish
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14:00-15:30 chair: Livio Gaeta

Jan Radimský, Maria Silvia Micheli & Pavel Štichauer
Exploring the diachrony of Italian word formation through the Google Books corpus: The case of NN compounds and their rival syntagmatic NPN counterparts
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Petr Kos
Diversity of schemas in English bahuvrihi compounds
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Veronika Kolářová
Syntactic behavior of Czech compounds
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16:00-17:30 chair: Pavel Štichauer

Maria Granados Serrano & Salvador Valera
From partial to full conversion in English deadjectival nominals: what and where
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Rossella Varvara, Justine Salvadori & Richard Huyghe
Creating and exploiting a lexical database of deverbal nouns in French
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Jurgis Pakerys, V. Dadurkevičius & A. Navickaitė-Klišauskienė
How the measures of derivational productivity depend on lemmatization quality (the case of Lithuanian deverbal nouns)
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Jurgis Pakerys & Magda Ševčíková
Workshop closing
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