UFAL Pre-PhD Student Internship


UFAL encourages excellent students from all countries interested in enrolling into the UFAL PhD study program “Computational linguistics” to start a cooperation with UFAL prior to the actual enrolment into the program. One of the options is to to enjoy the opportunity of spending one to three months in a partially-paid research internship position at UFAL. A successful internship stay will have a high positive value within the admission procedure into the PhD study program.


Two internship positions are offered every year: a fall internship and a spring internship. One internship candidate will be selected for each. The selected candidate will receive a unique opportunity of participating in research carried out at UFAL, or running his/her own short-term research project under guidance of one of the UFAL's professors or senior research associates. A joint publication is expected to result from the cooperation initiated during each internship.


An ideal candidate is expected to:

  • have completed his/her master degree, or being close to it, so that the student can apply for a PhD position in the near future,
  • have an excellent background in Computer Science,
  • be deeply interested in Natural Language Processing, or Machine Learning, or Artificial Intelligence, or Data Mining, or the like,
  • be interested in academic or industrial research, or both,

Student candidates should indicate their preferences for research topics already in their applications. Possible research directions include (but are not limited to):

  • machine translation,
  • parsing,
  • dialog systems,
  • morphology and tagging,
  • semantic role labeling,
  • named entity recognition,
  • anaphora resolution,
  • information retrieval, information extraction and summarization,
  • multimodal analysis involving language (and images, video, etc.),
  • natural language generation,
  • machine learning methods for all of the above.

The internship is partially paid: travel expenses up to 15,000 CZK and accommodation expenses up to 8,000 CZK/month, or the actual expenses (whichever is lower) will be covered by UFAL. Students with genuinely outstanding research results achieved during the stay might receive further financial bonus (fully at the discretion of UFAL).


Formally, candidates will not become students of Charles University in Prague during the internship. They will have a visitor status, however, they will be allowed to attend any course taught by UFAL and, whenever possible, also courses of other departments.


Upcoming internship dates:


Deadline for applications

Notification of acceptance

Spring Internship (roughly March-May)

December 15, 2024

January 15, 2025

Fall Internship (roughly September-November)

June 15, 2024

July 15, 2024



Applications for the internship must be sent by email to Jana Hamrlová (hamrlova@ufal.mff.cuni.cz). Each application must contain the following:

  • CV, including a clear indication of which study program the candidate is currently enrolled in,
  • a short motivation letter,
  • a list of passed university courses related to mathematics, CS, NLP, ML, AI, including grades (plus description of the grading scheme),
  • a list of publications, if any,
  • preferred stay duration (from one to three months),
  • preferred research topics, or a short-term research project proposal.