Curriculum Vitae - Markéta Lopatková


Professional Experience

from 2011

Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (associate professor)


member of the Rector's Board, Charles University (responsibility: doctoral programmes)


deputy head of the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics


head of the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics


Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (research fellow, from 2006 assistant professor)


Center for Computational Linguistics (research fellow, from 2002 deputy head)


Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (research fellow)

Education and Academic Carrier


associate professor in Computer Science - Mathematical Linguistics
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics


Ph.D. degree in Computational Linguistics
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics



Mgr. degree in Mathematics (MSc. equivalent)
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
(classical and modern mathematical analysis, differential equations, numerical methods)



Silver Medal of Charles University in recognition of the work in the field of formal and applied linguistics and the outstanding contribution to Charles University's development.



Soutěž vysoce kvalitních monografií na UK / Charles University Monographs of Distinction
Panevová, J. a kol.: Mluvnice současné češtiny 2, Syntax na základě anotovaného korpusu. Praha: Karolinum, 382 p., 2014 (autorský kolektiv Panevová, J., Hajičová, E., Kettnerová, V., Lopatková, M., Mikulová, M., Ševčíková, M.)



Jednota tlumočníků a překladatelů / Union of Interpreters and Translators:
Slovník roku Contest (3rd place, category explanatory lexicons)
Lopatková M. et al.: Valenční slovník českých sloves (Valency Lexicon of Czech Verbs). Prague: Karolinum Press, 382 p., 2008



Bolzano Award – Charles University award for the best Bc., Mgr. and PhD theses
Straňáková, M.: Homonymie předložkových skupin a možnost jejich automatického zpracování
(Ambiguity of prepositional groups and the possibility of its automatic processing). Ph.D. Thesis, MFF UK, Prague, 2001


Study and Research Stays Abroad

  • University of Edinburgh (October-December 2011; May 2011)
  • Université Paris-Sorbonne et INALCO (November 2010; April 2011)
  • Universität des Saarlandes (June 2006; June 2008; June 2009)


Research Projects

Principal Investigator
Project Team Member


Academic Service

Member of Scientific Board
Member of Editorial Boards
Grant Agencies
Conferences: Member of Program/Organizing Committees and Reviewer
  • ACL 2007 - member of the Local Organizing Committee
  • ACL 2010 -  member of the Student Research Workshop Committee (faculty advisor)
  • COLING 2014 - member of the Program Committee
  • DepLing 2017, 2013 - member of the Program Committee
  • IS-LTC 2008 - member of the Program Committee
  • ITAT from 2008 - member of the Program Committee (2011 chair of the Program Committee)
  • MEMICS 2014 - member of the Program Committee
  • Slovko from 2019 - member of the Program Committee
  • SyntaxFest 2021 - member of the Program Committee
  • TAL Conferences ( HrTAL2016, PolTAL2014) - member of the Program Committee
  • conferences and workshops: COLING 2014; COLING/ACL 2006; EACL 2003; LREC (from 2008); IS-LCT 2008; ITAT (from 2003); MEMICS'11, 2014; SyntaxFest/DepLing 2013, 2017, 2021; TAL Conferences 2014, 2016; TSD 2008;  WDS 2003, 2005, 2007;
  • journals: Časopis pro modení filologii;  Korpus - Gramatika- Axiologie (from 2013); Neutral Network World (2006); Nová čeština, Prace Filologiczne, Slovo a slovesnost (from 2013)
Editorial Committee
  • MFF UK (2007-2016)
Professional Societies
  • Prague Linguistic Circle (from 2006)
  • Association for Computational Linguistics (2003, 2007, 2009, 2010)
  • European Language Resources Association (from 2006)