Curriculum Vitae - Markéta Lopatková
Professional Experience
from 2011 |
Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (associate professor) |
2018-2021 |
member of the Rector's Board, Charles University (responsibility: doctoral programmes) |
2021 |
deputy head of the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics |
2012-2020 |
head of the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics |
2005-2011 |
Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (research fellow, from 2006 assistant professor) |
2000-2004 |
Center for Computational Linguistics (research fellow, from 2002 deputy head) |
1999-2000 |
Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (research fellow) |
Education and Academic Carrier
2011 |
associate professor in Computer Science - Mathematical Linguistics |
2001 |
Ph.D. degree in Computational Linguistics |
Mgr. degree in Mathematics (MSc. equivalent) |
2021 |
Silver Medal of Charles University in recognition of the work in the field of formal and applied linguistics and the outstanding contribution to Charles University's development. |
Soutěž vysoce kvalitních monografií na UK / Charles University Monographs of Distinction |
Jednota tlumočníků a překladatelů / Union of Interpreters and Translators: |
Bolzano Award – Charles University award for the best Bc., Mgr. and PhD theses |
Study and Research Stays Abroad
- University of Edinburgh (October-December 2011; May 2011)
- Université Paris-Sorbonne et INALCO (November 2010; April 2011)
- Universität des Saarlandes (June 2006; June 2008; June 2009)
Research Projects
Principal Investigator
- LCT: European Masters Program in Language and Communication Technologies (ERASMUS MUNDUS Masters Courses, Action 1, 2007-2012; 2013-2017; 2019-2025); together with Vladislav Kuboň; local webpage
- VALLEX: Between Reciprocity and Reflexivity: The Case of Czech Reciprocal Constructions (GAČR standard project No 18-03984S; 2018-2020)
- Delving Deeper: Lexicographic Description of Syntactic and Semantic Properties of Czech Verbs (GAČR standard project No P406/12/0557; 2012-2015)
- CLARA: Common Language Resources and Their Applications (EC 7th FP, 2009-2013, scientist in charge)
- Syntactic Analysis of Czech Complex Sentences for Natural Language Processing (GAČR standard project No 405/08/0681; 2008-2010)
- The Valency lexicon of Czech Verbs with Complex Syntactic-semantic Annotation (GAČR standard project No 405/04/0243; 2004-2006)
Project Team Member
- LUSyD: Language Understanding: from Syntax to Discourse (GAČR project of excellence, No GX20-16819X; 2020-2024); PI Jan Hajič
- PROGRES Q48: Computer Science (2017-2021)
- Combining Words: Syntactic Properties of Czech Multiword Expressions with Light Verbs (GAČR project No 15-09979S; 2015-2017); PI Václava Kettnerová
- Language Research Infrastructure in the Czech Republic (MŠMT project No LM2015071PI; 2016-2019); PI Jan Hajič
- PRVOUK P46: Computer Science (Programy rozvoje vědních oblastí na Univerzitě Karlově / Research and Development Programs at the Charles University in Prague; 2012-2016)
- NoSCoM: Non-Standard Computational Models and Their Applications in Complexity, Linguistics, and Learning (GAČR project No P202/10/1333, 2010-2014); PI Jiří Šíma
- ECO-NET: Bases de données, traitement automatique des langues et multilinguisme (2010-2012)
- Modern Methods, Structures, and Systems of Computer Science (Object of Research No MSM0021620838, 2005-2011)
- Methods for Intelligent Systems and Their Applications in Datamining and Natural Language Processing (Information society project No 1ET100300517, 2005-2009); PI Jiří Šíma
- DiENaLs: Diagnostic and Evaluation Tools for Linguistic Research (Information society project No 1ET100610409, 2005-2007); PI Karel Oliva
- LATER: LAnguage Technology Erasmus Mundus Programme (Erasmus Mundus - Enhancing Attractiveness (Action 4), 2004-2005)
- CKL: Center for Computational Linguistics (Center of Excellence, MŠMT project No LN00A063, 2000-2004); PI Jan Hajič
- Laboratoř počítačového zpracování jazykových dat (MŠMT, 1998-2000)
- LATESLAV: LAnguage TEchnologies for SLAVic Languages (EC Joined Research Project PECO 2824, 1993-1995)
- MATRACE: Machine Aided TRAnslation Czech-English (The Academic Initiative, IBM, 1991-1992)
Academic Service
Member of Scientific Board
- Faculty of Arts, Charles University (2014-2018)
Member of Editorial Boards
- Slovo a slovesnost (from 2010)
Grant Agencies
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (GAČR)
member of the Panel for Linguistics and literature P406 (2013-2014, 2015-2016)
chair of the Panel for Linguistics and literature P406 (2015-2016), member of the Discipline Committee for Social Sciences and Humanities (OK 4); - Grant Agency of the Charles University in Prague (GA UK), subsection Informatics (2008-2016)
Conferences: Member of Program/Organizing Committees and Reviewer
- ACL 2007 - member of the Local Organizing Committee
- ACL 2010 - member of the Student Research Workshop Committee (faculty advisor)
- COLING 2014 - member of the Program Committee
- DepLing 2017, 2013 - member of the Program Committee
- IS-LTC 2008 - member of the Program Committee
- ITAT from 2008 - member of the Program Committee (2011 chair of the Program Committee)
- MEMICS 2014 - member of the Program Committee
- Slovko from 2019 - member of the Program Committee
- SyntaxFest 2021 - member of the Program Committee
- TAL Conferences ( HrTAL2016, PolTAL2014) - member of the Program Committee
- conferences and workshops: COLING 2014; COLING/ACL 2006; EACL 2003; LREC (from 2008); IS-LCT 2008; ITAT (from 2003); MEMICS'11, 2014; SyntaxFest/DepLing 2013, 2017, 2021; TAL Conferences 2014, 2016; TSD 2008; WDS 2003, 2005, 2007;
- journals: Časopis pro modení filologii; Korpus - Gramatika- Axiologie (from 2013); Neutral Network World (2006); Nová čeština, Prace Filologiczne, Slovo a slovesnost (from 2013)
Editorial Committee
- MFF UK (2007-2016)
- Prague Linguistic Circle (from 2006)
- Association for Computational Linguistics (2003, 2007, 2009, 2010)
- European Language Resources Association (from 2006)