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© 1996-2021 Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University.
If you use the data in your research or need to cite it for any reason, please cite:
For LREC papers (separate language resources references):
@languageresource{lrEngVallex20, title={
EngVallex - English Valency Lexicon 2.0}, author={Cinkov
\'{a}, Silvie and Fu\v{c}\'{i}kov\'{a}, Eva and {\v{S}}indlerov\'{a} and Haji\v{c}, Jan}, url = {}, publisher={Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ, Charles University}, address={Prague, Czech Republic}, lindat={}, year={2021} }
For general papers and citations:
title={EngVallex - English Valency Lexicon 2.0},author={Cinkov
\'{a}, Silvie and Fu\v{c}\'{i}kov\'{a}, Eva and {\v{S}}indlerov\'{a} and Haji\v{c}, Jan}, url = {}, note = {{LINDAT}/{CLARIAH-CZ} digital library at the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics ({{\\'U}FAL}), Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University}, copyright={Creative Commons - Attribution-{NonCommercial}-{ShareAlike} 4.0 International ({CC} {BY}-{NC}-{SA} 4.0)}, year={2021} }
For "plaintext" reference:
(Cinková et al., 2021)
Cinková Silvie, Fučíková Eva, Šindlerová Jana, Hajič Jan: EngVallex - English Valency Lexicon 2.0. Data/software, LINDAT-CLARIAH-CZ, URL: , 2021.
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