Area of research Funding provider
Duration | Provider | |
EDU-AI: AI asistent pro žáky a učitele | 04/2021-12/2023 | TAČR |
CEDMO 2.0 NPO | 1.9. 2024 - 30. 4. 2026 | MPO |
DACT: Digital Analysis of Chant Transmission | 2023-2029 | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada |
MASAPI: Multilingual assistant for searching, analysing and processing information and decision support | 2021-2024 | TAČR |
CZDEMOS4AI: Prospěšný multiagentní AI avatar v malé demokratické společnosti | 09/2024-12/2029 | TAČR |
Duration | Provider | |
CEDMO 2.0 NPO | 1.9. 2024 - 30. 4. 2026 | MPO |
Exploring Multilingual Representations of Language Units in Neural Networks | 2021 - 2023 | GAUK |
LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ: LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ Language Resources and Digital Arts and Humanities Research Infrastructure | (2016-)2023-2026 | MŠMT - velké infrastruktury |
LiFR: Linguistic Factors of Readability in Czech Administrative and Educational Texts | 2019-2021 | GAČR |
INTERCOST-Readability: Modelování komplexity českých literárních textů | VI 2018 - X 2021 | MŠMT |
MASAPI: Multilingual assistant for searching, analysing and processing information and decision support | 2021-2024 | TAČR |
Multilingual Lens: Investigating Large Text Corpora from Different Methodological Perspectives | 2024 - 2029 | UK |
Duration | Provider | |
LINDAT/CLARIN: Centre for Language Research Infrastructure in the Czech Republic | 2016 - 2019 | MŠMT - velké infrastruktury |
LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ: LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ Language Resources and Digital Arts and Humanities Research Infrastructure | (2016-)2023-2026 | MŠMT - velké infrastruktury |
Duration | Provider | |
CLS Infra: Computational Literary Studies Infrastructure | 2021-2025 | H2020 |
LCT: European Masters Program Language and Communication Technologies | IX.2007-VIII.2013, IX.2013-VIII.2019, IX.2019-VIII.2025 | EU ERASMUS MUNDUS |
EduPo: Generování české poezie v edukačním a multimediálním prostředí | 09/2023 - 11/2026 | TAČR |
INTERCOST-Readability: Modelování komplexity českých literárních textů | VI 2018 - X 2021 | MŠMT |
LangTech: Modernizace oboru Matematická lingvistika | MŠMT - OP VVV | |
NaMuDDiS: Natural multi-domain dialogue systems | 2019-2021 | UK |
AIvK Exponát Didaktikon: Život s umělou inteligencí: upgrade | 2023-09-01 - 2023-12-31 | UK |
Duration | Provider | |
HVar: Disagreement in corpus annotation and variation of human understanding of text | 2024-2026 | GAČR |
Duration | Provider | |
LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ: LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ Language Resources and Digital Arts and Humanities Research Infrastructure | (2016-)2023-2026 | MŠMT - velké infrastruktury |
Uniform Meaning Representation (UMR) | 1.3.2023 - 30.9.2027 | MŠMT |
Duration | Provider | |
LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ: LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ Language Resources and Digital Arts and Humanities Research Infrastructure | (2016-)2023-2026 | MŠMT - velké infrastruktury |
Duration | Provider | |
LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ: LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ Language Resources and Digital Arts and Humanities Research Infrastructure | (2016-)2023-2026 | MŠMT - velké infrastruktury |
Duration | Provider | Grant ID | PI | Area | |
OpenEuroLLM: Open European Family of Large Language Models | 36 months | Digital Europe Programme | 101195233 | Jan Hajič |
Duration | Provider | Grant ID | PI | Area | |
EVERSE: European Virtual Institute for Research Software Excellence | 2024-2027 | HE | 101129744 | Pavel Straňák | |
ATRIUM: Advancing FronTier Research In the Arts and hUManities | 2024 - 2027 | HE | 101132163 | Pavel Straňák | |
InCroMin: Interactive Crosslingual Minutes | 2024 | HE | 101070631 | Ondřej Bojar | |
RES-Q Plus: Comprehensive solutions of healthcare improvement based on the global Registry of Stroke Care Quality | 2022-2026 | HE | 101057603 | Pavel Pecina | |
MEMORISE: Virtualisation and Multimodal Exploration of Heritage on Nazi Persecution | 2022-2026 | HE | 101061016 | Pavel Pecina | |
HPLT: High Performance Language Technologies | 2022-2025 | HE | 101070350 | Jan Hajič | Corpora, Data, Machine Learning, Machine Translation, Monolingual, Multilingual |
Duration | Provider | Grant ID | PI | Area | |
DACT: Digital Analysis of Chant Transmission | 2023-2029 | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada | 895-2023-1002 | Jan Hajič jr. | Corpora, Data, Information Retrieval, Linked data, Machine Learning, Multi-modality, Tools |
Duration | Provider | Grant ID | PI | Area | |
The Anthropology of Artificial Intelligence: Ethics, Understanding, Human Nature | 2023-2024 | ETF UK | 247002 | Rudolf Rosa | Tools |
Duration | Provider | Grant ID | PI | Area | |
NG-NLG: Next-Generation Natural Language Generation | 2022-2027 | Horizon Europe, ERC | 101039303 | Ondřej Dušek | Dialog, Linked data, Machine Learning, Semantics |
Duration | Provider | Grant ID | PI | Area | |
ELE 2: European Language Equality 2 | 2022-2023 | PPPA (EU) | LC-01884166 (Project 101075356) | Jan Hajič |
Duration | Provider | Grant ID | PI | Area | |
CELL: Contextual Machine Learning of Language Translations | 2020-2022 | CELSA | CELSA/19/018 | Pavel Pecina | Machine Learning, Machine Translation, Multi-modality, Multilingual |
Duration | Provider | Grant ID | PI | Area | |
LINDAT/CLARIN: Centre for Language Research Infrastructure in the Czech Republic | 2016 - 2019 | MŠMT - velké infrastruktury | LM2015071 | Jan Hajič | Annotations, Coreference, Corpora, Data, Dialog, Discourse, Lexicons, Linked data, Machine Learning, Machine Translation, Morphology, Multi-modality, Parsers, Publications, Semantics, Speech Recognition, Taggers, Tools, Valency |
LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ: LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ Language Resources and Digital Arts and Humanities Research Infrastructure | (2016-)2023-2026 | MŠMT - velké infrastruktury | LM2023062 | Jan Hajič | Annotations, Coreference, Corpora, Data, Dialog, Discourse, Information Structure, Lexicons, Linked data, Machine Learning, Machine Translation, Monolingual, Morphology, Multi-modality, Multilingual, Multiword Expressions, Parsers, Publications, Semantics, Speech Recognition, Speech Retrieval, Spellcheckers, Syntax, Taggers, Tools, Valency |
Duration | Provider | Grant ID | PI | Area | |
CEDMO 2.0 NPO | 1.9. 2024 - 30. 4. 2026 | MPO | MPO 60273/24/21300/21000 | Ondřej Bojar | Data, Information Retrieval, Information Structure, Multi-modality |
Duration | Provider | Grant ID | PI | Area | |
HumanAId: AI zaměřená na člověka pro udržitelnou a adaptabilní společnost | 1. 3. 2025 - 31. 12. 2028 | MŠMT - OP JAK | CZ.02.01.01/00/23_025/0008691 | Barbora Vidová Hladká | |
Jazykověda, umělá inteligence a jazykové a řečové technologie: od výzkumu k aplikacím | 1. 1. 2025 - 31. 12. 2028 | MŠMT - OP JAK | CZ.02.01.01/00/23_020/0008518 | Jan Hajič |
Duration | Provider | Grant ID | PI | Area | |
LCT: European Masters Program Language and Communication Technologies | IX.2007-VIII.2013, IX.2013-VIII.2019, IX.2019-VIII.2025 | EU ERASMUS MUNDUS | 610622-EPP-1-2019-1-DE-EPPKA1-JMD-MOB | Vladislav Kuboň | Teaching |
Duration | Provider | Grant ID | PI | Area | |
LAPPS-CLARIN: Transatlantic Collaboration between LAPPS and CLARIN: Semantic, Technical and Infrastructural Interoperability of Services | 2016-2018, 2019-2021 | Mellon Foundation (USA) | G-1901-06505 | Jan Hajič | Annotations, Corpora, Data, Tools |
Duration | Provider | Grant ID | PI | Area | |
OP VVV LINDAT: LINDAT/CLARIN - Research infrastructure for language technologies – extension of the repository and its computational power | 2017–2019 | MŠMT - OP VVV | CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_013/0001781 | Jan Hajič | Annotations, Corpora, Data, Tools |
LangTech: Modernizace oboru Matematická lingvistika | MŠMT - OP VVV | CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_018/0002373 | Zdeněk Žabokrtský | Machine Learning, Multilingual, Teaching |
Duration | Provider | Grant ID | PI | Area | |
INTERCOST-Readability: Modelování komplexity českých literárních textů | VI 2018 - X 2021 | MŠMT | LTC18020 | Silvie Cinková | Annotations, Corpora, Data, Discourse, Information Structure, Semantics, Syntax, Teaching |
Uniform Meaning Representation (UMR) | 1.3.2023 - 30.9.2027 | MŠMT | LUAUS23283 | Jan Hajič | Corpora, Data, Lexicons, Linked data, Multilingual, Multiword Expressions, Semantics, Syntax, Valency |
Improving stomach examinations with Artificial Intelligence: A deep learning approach for assisted gastroscopy | 1. 7. 2024 - 31. 12. 2026 | MŠMT | LUABA24136 | Pavel Pecina |
Duration | Provider | Grant ID | PI | Area | |
Automatické hodnocení mluveného projevu v češtině [Automated Speech Scoring in Czech] | 2023–2027 | NAKI | DH23P03OVV037 | Kateřina Rysová | Corpora, Data, Discourse, Monolingual, Tools |
OmniOMR: OmniOMR - optical music recognition using machine learning for digital libraries | 2023-2027 | NAKI | DH23P03OVV008 | Jan Hajič jr. | Annotations, Data, Machine Learning |
Prameny Krkonoš: Prameny Krkonoš. Vývoj systému evidence, zpracování a prezentace pramenů k historii a kultuře Krkonoš a jeho využití ve výzkumu a edukaci | 2020-2022 | NAKI | DG20P02OVV010 | Petra Hoffmannová |
Duration | Provider | Grant ID | PI | Area | |
A data-based approach to competition in word-formation: selected semantic categories across seven languages | 2021-2023 | START | START/HUM/010 | Annotations, Data, Lexicons, Morphology, Multilingual, Semantics | |
Babel Octopus: Robust Multi-Source Speech Translation | 2021-2023 | START | START/SCI/089 | Peter Polák | Machine Translation, Multilingual, Speech Recognition |
Duration | Provider | Area | |
PIRE: Partnership for International Research and Education | till 2014 | NSF | Machine Translation, Semantics, Speech Recognition, Teaching |
Duration | Provider | Area | |
CLARIN-PLUS | September 2015 – August 2017 | H2020 | |
QT21: Quality Translation 21 | II.2015-I.2018 | H2020 | Data, Lexicons, Linked data, Machine Learning, Machine Translation, Tools |
KConnect: Khresmoi Multilingual Medical Text Analysis, Search and Machine Translation Connected in a Thriving Data-Value Chain | 2015-2017 | H2020 | Information Retrieval, Machine Translation, Semantics |
HimL: Health in my Language | 2.2015–1.2018 | H2020 | Data, Lexicons, Machine Translation, Morphology |
CRACKER: Cracking the Language Barrier: Coordination, Evaluation and Resources for European MT Research | 1.2015-12.2017 | H2020 | Data, Machine Translation |
Duration | Provider | Area | |
EuroMatrix | IX.2006-II.2009 | FP6 | Annotations, Corpora, Machine Translation, Tools, Valency |
Duration | Provider | Area | |
MTviet: Machine Translation from Vietnamese into Czech for the Purposes of the Police of the Czech Republic | 2017-2018 | Praha OP PPR | Machine Translation |
Duration | Provider | Area | |
ÚSTR: Systém pro trvalé uchování dokumentace a prezentaci historichých pramenů z období totalitních režimů | 2016-2019 | NAKI | |
VIADAT: Virtuální asistent pro zpřístupnění historických audiovizuálních dat | 2016-2019 | NAKI | Annotations, Speech Recognition, Tools |
AMALACH | 2012-2015 | NAKI | Information Retrieval, Machine Translation, Multi-modality, Speech Recognition, Speech Retrieval, Teaching |
EVALD (Evaluator of Discourse): Automatic Evaluation of Text Coherence in Czech | 1. 3. 2016 – 31. 12. 2019 | NAKI | Coreference, Discourse, Information Structure |
Duration | Provider | Area | |
TextLink: TextLink: Structuring Discourse in Multilingual Europe | 2014 - 2017 | FP7 | Coreference, Corpora, Discourse, Linked data, Multilingual |
QTLeap: Quality Translation by Deep Language Engineering Approaches | 2013–2016 | FP7 | Linked data, Machine Translation |
PARSEME: PARSEME: Parsing and Multiword Expressions | 2013-2017 | FP7 | Lexicons, Multiword Expressions, Semantics, Valency |
MosesCore | 2012-2015 | FP7 | Data, Machine Translation, Teaching, Tools |
EUDAT: EUDAT: European Data Infrastructure | 2011–2014 | FP7 | Data |
FAUST: Feedback Analysis for User adaptive Statistical Translation | 2010–2013 | FP7 | Machine Translation |
KHRESMOI: Medical information analysis and retrieval | 2010-2014 | FP7 | Information Retrieval, Machine Translation |
CLARA: Common Language Resources and their Applications - a Marie Curie ITN | 2009-2013 | FP7 | Annotations, Corpora, Data, Machine Translation, Teaching |
EuroMatrixPlus | 2009-2012 | FP7 | Machine Translation |
Duration | Provider | Area | |
PRVOUK: Programy rozvoje vědních oblastí na Univerzitě Karlově - Informatika | 2012-2016 | UK |
Duration | Provider | Area | |
INTLIB: Intelligent library | 2012-2015 | TAČR | Data, Linked data, Tools |
Duration | Provider | Area | |
Merlin | 2012-2014 | LLP | Annotations, Corpora, Data |
Duration | Provider | Area | |
PoliSys: Systém pro analýzu policejních dat pro potřeby Policie ČR | 03/2017-03/2018 | MVČR | Data, Information Retrieval, Machine Learning, Morphology |
Duration | Provider | Area | |
INSPIRE: INSPIRE in Pocket | Inspire | Machine Translation |