Lemmas of terms have categories of their own. The term type is indicated by "_;" followed by a letter. More than one term type may apply to one lemma. Two groups of term types can be distinguished: the named entities and the scientific/professional terms. The former are mandatory, proper names must be categorized. The latter are optional, it is up to the lexicon administrator whether they decide that a term is so specialized that its branch shall be indicated.
Table 2.3. Term types
Type | Explanation, examples |
Y | given name (formerly used as default): Petr, John |
S | surname, family name: Dvořák, Zelený, Agassi, Bush |
E | member of a particular nation, inhabitant of a particular territory: Čech, Kolumbijec, Newyorčan |
G | geographical name: Praha, Tatry (the mountains) |
K | company, organization, institution: Tatra (the company) |
R | product: Tatra (the car) |
m | other proper name: names of mines, stadiums, guerilla bases, etc. |
H | chemistry |
U | medicine |
L | natural sciences |
j | justice |
g | technology in general |
c | computers and electronics |
y | hobby, leisure, travelling |
b | economy, finances |
u | culture, education, arts, other sciences |
w | sports |
p | politics, governement, military |
z | ecology, environment |
o | color indication |