Analytical (surface-syntactic) function, i.e., the type of dependency relation to the governing node of the current node (i.e., the <f> or <d> element). The list of those functions follows:
Function | Short Description |
- - - | Not assigned |
Pred | Predicate |
Pnom | Nominal part of a predicate |
AuxV | Auxiliary Verb |
Sb | Subject |
Obj | Object |
Atr | Attribute |
Adv | Adverbial |
AtrAdv | Attribute and Adverbial (at Atr dep. position) |
AdvAtr | Attribute and Adverbial (at Atr dep. position) |
Coord | Coordination |
AtrObj | Attribute and Object (at Atr dep. position) |
ObjAtr | Attribute and Object (at Atr dep. position) |
AtrAtr | Attribute and Attribute (at deeper Atr dep. position) |
AuxT | Reflexive se as part of the lexeme |
AuxR | Reflexive se |
AuxP | Preposition |
Apos | Apposition |
ExD | Extra Dependency / Ellipsis above |
AuxC | Subordinate conjunction |
Atv | Attribute Verbal (Complement) |
AtvV | Attribute Verbal, missing nominal governor |
AuxO | Aux. referring pronoun |
AuxZ | Rhematizer |
AuxY | All the rest |
AuxG | Graphical symbol (punctuation except commas) |
AuxK | Final Punctuation of sentence |
AuxX | Comma |
AuxS | Sentence root (artificial extra node) |
Generated | Added dependency, technical value |
NA | Not Applicable |
??? | Unannotatable (extremely unclear case) |
In addition to the above list, most of the functions can have the form function_suffix, where the suffix is one of the following:
For example, Obj_Co is an analytical function for coordinated object.
For more information on the Prague Dependency Treebank, and its analytical level of annotation, see the Manual for Analytic Layer Tagging of the Prague Dependency Treebank (English translation) (or the Czech original).