Archive – academic year 2023/2024

In the official schedule in SIS, the course is presented as having 45 minutes lecture and 45 minutes practicals every week. In reality, we will usually have 90 minutes practicals one week and 90 minutes lecture the other week. (Nevertheless it is not guaranteed that all lectures will be in even weeks and all practicals in odd weeks. Sometimes we may have to change the order based on the availability of the teachers.)

Both lectures and practicals take place in the SW1 lab on Thursdays 9:00 – 10:30.

Lectures and schedule

The distribution of topics to future lectures is only approximate, and so are the planned dates when the topic will be covered. The slides and other materials here will be updated after they have been used in the lecture.

  • Practical 1 (2024-02-22)
  • Lecture 1 (2024-02-29): Introduction, trees, dependencies; representation of non-dependency relations; word order and (non-)projectivity. Slides 1ASlides 1B.
  • Lecture 2 (2024-03-07): Stratificational approach to language description (stratificational grammar, FGD, MTT); PDT introduction + morphology. Slides 2ASlides 2BSlides 2C.
  • Practical 2 (2024-03-14)
  • Lecture 3 (2024-03-21): UD introduction + morphology. Slides 3.
  • Practical 3 (2024-03-28)
  • Lecture 4 (2024-04-04): PDT a-layer (surface syntax). Slides 4.
  • Practical 4 (2024-04-11)
  • Lecture 5 (2024-04-18): UD basic syntax Slides 5 (today covered until slide no. 63).
  • Practical 5 (2024-04-25)
  • Lecture 6 (2024-05-02): Enhanced UD Slides 6.
  • Practical 6 (2024-05-09) PML-TQ
  • Lecture 7 (2024-05-16): PDT t-layer (deep syntax); coreference; valency etc. Slides 7ASlides 7BSlides 7CSlides 7DSlides 7ESlides 7FSlides 7GSlides 7HSlides 7I.
  • no session 2024-05-23 (conflict with LREC-COLING)

Practical (lab) sessions

Final grade

To pass the course, you will be required to submit all of the homework tasks. The quality of your homework solutions will determine your grade.

  • Excellent: ≥ 90%
  • Very good: ≥ 70%
  • Good: ≥ 50%