SIS code: 

NPFL141 Linguistics - 2025 Summer

This is a new course replacing:

Instructor: Jirka Hana & Šárka Zikánová
e-mail: jirka.<last-name> & <last-name>
(start the email's subject with NPFL141)
Language: Czech or English (depends on mutual agreement)
Time & Place: TBD

1  Description and objectives of the course

The course will help students get familiar with advanced topics in linguistics, especially syntax, semantics, pragmatics, stylistics, sociolinguistics, historical linguistics and psycholinguistics. Many topics will be addressed both from the perspective of traditional linguistics and from the formal perspective of mathematics and computer science. Students are expected to have basic knowledge of linguistics, for example, as provided by NPFL063 - Introduction to General Linguistics.

2  Readings

In most classes, we will discuss one or more papers (sometimes books or dissertations). It is expected that everybody will have read the papers before the class.

You need to provide a brief summary for each paper. Create a Google doc document named "NPFL141 <your_name>" and share it with us. Then for each paper:

  • add a new section
  • add 4 bullets summarizing the paper
  • one bullet summarizing what you find interesting
  • one bullet summarizing what you find problematic
  • is it relevant to your work
  • one question you would ask the author if you could

​The summary has to be finished by Sunday 6 pm.

For each paper, one person will be responsible for leading the discussion (in some cases, it will be the instructor).

3  Active class participation

"Active participation" refers to your comments and questions during class, your answers to our questions, etc. We do not keep track of whether your answers, etc., are correct, but simply whether or not you participate. It is important that you read the assigned papers (especially if you are leading the discussion) and that you prepare language analyses.

4  Grading

Requirements for "započet":

  • Up to three absences 
  • Presentation of one paper
  • Summary of each paper (see instructions above)
  • Homework as assigned

5. Tentative Schedule (2024)

Discussion on Presented by Topic Paper 
Feb  JHan, ŠZ Introduction & Unbounded dependencies   
Feb  JHan Clitics  
Mar JHan Valency & Categorial Grammar Dowty: The Dual Analysis of Adjuncts/Complements in Categorial Grammar
Mar  ŠZ Structuralism and language functions De Saussure, Ferdinand. (1966). Course in General Linguistics (Edited by Charles Bally and Albert Sechehaye, Translated by Wade Baskin). New York, Toronto, London: McGraw-Hill Book Company. 
Jakobson, Roman. (1960). Linguistics and Poetics. In T. Sebeok (Ed.), Style in Language (pp. 350-377). Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press. 
Mar  ŠZ Structuralism and language functions  
Mar  JHan

Historical linguistics - Lexicon

Montague semantics

Hock (1991): Principles of Historical Linguistics, Ch.12

Janssen (2006): Montague Semantics. (ELL2)

Apr  -- Easter Monday - No Class  
Apr  ŠZ Pragmatics and maxims of conversation Grice, H. Paul. (1975). Logic and Conversation. In Speech Acts [Syntax and Semantics 3], Peter Cole and Jerry Morgan (eds), 41-58. New York: Academic Press.
Leech, Geoffrey N. (1983). Principles of Pragmatics. London and New York: Longman.
Apr  JHan, ŠZ Information structure & Pragmatics Roberts 1996: Information Structure: Towards an integrated formal theory of pragmatics
(focus on sections 1.0, 1.2, 2.1,
Apr  ŠZ Stylistics and language means: language analysis  
Apr  ŠZ Written and spoken varieties of language: language analysis Leech, Geoffrey N., Deuchar, M., Hoogenraad, R. (1982). English Grammar for Today: A New Introduction. London: Macmillan Press in conjunction with the English Association.
May ŠZ Sociolinguistics: a case study, language analysis  
May  ŠZ Sociolinguistics: reading and language analysis Wardhaugh, Ronald. (2015). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley Blackwell.
May  JHan Bilingualism
Bilingualism and cognitive development (Bialystok 2012)
Psychotherapy and bilingualism (Santiago-Rivera and Altarriba 2002)
Bilingualism and Alzheimer (Schweizer 2012)