The project dealt with both theoretical and lexicographic treatment of valency of Czech nonverbal predicates (i.e. predicative deverbal and primary adjectives, deadjectival nouns and deverbal nouns). It built upon solid theoretical foundations of the theory of valency developed within the Functional Generative Description. The theoretical issues addressed in the project included valency of deverbal nouns with respect to their derivation, focusing on influence of verbal aspect, and an applicability of the notion of systemic and non-systemic valency behavior to valency of adjectives and deadjectival nouns. Valency of selected nominal and adjectival lexical units were captured in the NomVallex lexicon in the form of valency frames and corpus examples. The main criteria for including nouns and adjectives in NomVallex were the complexity of their valency patterns, esp. the number of complementations and non-systemic valency behavior. The linguistic material was extracted from the synchronic written part of the Czech National Corpus and from Araneum Bohemicum web corpus.
The lexicon, called NomVallex 2.0, is available in two formats:
online access to NomVallex 2.0 data for comfortable browsing and sorting according various criteria;
Kolářová Veronika, Vernerová Anna, Klímová Jana (2022): NomVallex 2.0. LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ digital library at the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (ÚFAL), Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University,,
Kolářová Veronika, Vernerová Anna, Klímová Jana (2021): Systemic and Non-systemic Valency Behavior of Czech Deverbal Adjectives. Jazykovedný časopis, 72(2), 371-382.
Ševčíková Magda (2021): Bezpříponová substantiva a vyjadřování vidového protikladu u příbuzných sloves. Slovo a slovesnost, 82(4), 263-288.
Kolářová Veronika (2020): Vztah afirmativní a negované formy adjektiv a substantiv z hlediska jejich valence. Prace Filologiczne, 75(1), 293-312.
Kettnerová Václava, Kolářová Veronika (2020): Valence českých verbálních jmen v nominálních konstrukcích a ve verbonominálních predikátech s kategoriálním slovesem. Prace Filologiczne, 75(1), 241-262.
Verner Jonathan, Vernerová Anna (2020): PyVallex: A Processing System for Valency Lexicon Data. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020). European Language Resources Association, Marseille, France, 7187-7193.
Kolářová Veronika, Ševčíková Magda (2020): Substantiva tvořená od sloves se supletivními kořeny: Korpusová studie deverbativ s kořeny klád a lož. In: J. Bílková, I. Kolářová, M. Vondráček (eds.): Lingvistika - korpus - empirie, Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR, Praha, 165-177.
Kolářová Veronika, Vernerová Anna, Verner Jonathan (2019): Non-systemic valency behavior of Czech deverbal nouns based on the NomVallex lexicon. Jazykovedný časopis, 70(2), 424 – 433.