Goals of the course:
Syllabus from SIS:
The course is part of the inter-university programme prg.ai Minor.
SIS code: NPFL140
Semester: summer
E-credits: 3
Examination: 0/2 C
Guarantors: Jindřich Helcl, Jindřich Libovický
The course is held on Mondays at 12:20 in S9.
1. Introductory notes and discussion on large language models Slides
2. The Transformer architecture Slides Notes Recording
3. Data and Evaluation, Project Proposals Project Proposals Notes Team Coordination Team Registration
Unless otherwise stated, teaching materials for this course are available under CC BY-SA 4.0.
Feb 17 Slides
Instructor: Jindřich Helcl
Covered topics: aims of the course, passing requirements. We discussed what are (large) language models, what are they for, what are their benefits and downsides. We briefly talk about the Transformer architecture. We concluded with a rough analysis of ChatGPT performance in different languages.
Instructor: Jindřich Libovický
Learning objectives. After the lecture you should be able to...
Explain the building blocks of the Transformer architecture to a non-technical person;
Describe the Transformer architecture using equations, especially the self-attention block;
Implement the Transformer architecture (in PyTorch or another framework that does automated differentiation).
Additional materials.
Transformers explained by AI Coffee Break with Letitia (20 min)
Let's build GPT: from scratch, in code, spelled out by Andrej Karpathy (2 hours)
The Illustrated Transformer by Jay Alammar
Mar 3 Project Proposals Notes Team Coordination Team Registration
Instructor: Jindřich Helcl
Learning objectives. After the class you should be able to...
Know about different NLP tasks that we can solve with LLMs,
look for suitable datasets applicable to the task (both for fine-tuning and evaluation),
describe (and be aware of) the different characteristics of the relevant data (size, structure, origin, etc.),
design experiments in terms of selecting the right baseline model, data and metric (and have some idea about what the result should be).
Team coordination document We suggest that teams who are looking for members as well as individuals looking for a team use the following shared document for coordination. You can look for a team and advertise your team to others.
Team registration form. The registration form for teams is available here
Individuals registration For those not successful in forming or finding a team, we will open a individual registration form later and we will try to assign you to some existing team.
You will work on a team project during the semester.
You will be asked at least once to read a paper before the class.
You need to take part in a final written test that will not be graded.