The National Day conference is organized by the Research Infrastructure unit of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports; the National Day's website with the current programme is available at the Czech Research Infrastructures website.
Registration is now open. Please register individually and by name; 2-3 members of each Research Infrastructure are allowed to register in the "Member of an RI" category. Please note that seating is limited, and we will confirm reservations, as the event nears, on a first-come, first-served basis.
The venue of the 4th National Day of Research Infrastructures is the historical building of Charles University at Malostranske nam. 25, 11800 Prague 1, the seat of the Computer Science School at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University. The National Day is co-organized by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and the LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ Research Infrastructure (@LindatClariahCz), which is in turn hosted by the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, part of the Computer Science School. The National Day will take place on the 1st floor of the building (accessible by elevators) in the historical Refectory room with the capacity of 150, and in the surrounding areas, on Tuesday, November 19, 2019. The scheduled timing is 9:30 to 17:30, with the registration desk and coffee available from 8:45 in front of the meeting room.
The building is in the center of Prague, in the Lesser Town. It has been built, in largely today's shape, in the 17th century; it served as a jesuit monastery ("House of professions"). The building has a rectangular shape with a small yard in the middle; three wings now belong to the University, and the fourth to the (roman-catholic) church. The church is the largest baroque church in Prague (the right-hand picture below).
As usual, there will be an opportunity to present posters. In order to prepare sufficient number of poster easels, please answer the Yes/No question on the registration form. Posters should be prepared in A0 size with portrait orientation or any smaller size with any orientation.
Space for rollups will be available too, mostly in the back of the refectory and/or the surrounding areas. Please also indicate on the registration form if you are bringing one.
The local organizers offer a short tour of the Center for Visual History Malach, organizational part of the LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ Research Infrastructure, which offers access to several oral history collections - most notably the Visual History Archive of the University of Southern California, CA, USA which contains over 110 thousand hours of video testimonies of Holocaust survivors, fully searchable and indexed for researchers in history or other humanities sciences, filmmakers or the general public. If you want to take the tour, please check the appropriate box in the registration form (space is limited!). You can also follow the Center's activities on CVHM's Facebook.
For those arriving a day earlier, we recommend the following area hotels in the historical centre of the city:
For additional inquiries about local organization, please contact Jan Hajič or Anna Kotěšovcová.