Barbora Vidová Hladká

+420 951 554 223
Malostranské náměstí 25
118 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic

Main Research Interests

1.2.2025 začíná mé druhé funkční období coby ředitelky Ústavu formální a aplikované lingvistiky MFF UK. Ve výběrovém řízení jsem předložila tento nástin koncepce rozvoje pracoviště v období 2025-2028 / 1.2.2025 begins my second term as Head of the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics MFF UK. However, I'm not giving up research topics:-)

  • Natural Language Processing 
  • Corpora
  • Machine learning
  • Digital humanities



Curriculum Vitae

CV as of I/2024

Barbora Hladká is an associate professor  in the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, the head of which she has been since February 2021, at the Computer Science School of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University. Her research focuses on issues from natural language processing, mainly corpus annotation, information extraction, and application of machine learning in various domains especially in the digital humanities. In 1998, she was awarded the Post Workshop’98 Research Project Award by the Center for Language and Speech Processing, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA where she was working as a postdoc in 2000-2001. She has been teaching both national and international undergraduate courses on machine learning and supervising undergraduate and graduate students.



Selected Bibliography

List of publications

Popularizační přednášky
