Instructor: | Jirka Hana |
e-mail: | Jirka.<my last name> (start the email's subject with NPFL128) |
Time & Place: | Monday 15:40 - 17:10 S1 |
The course surveys solutions to common NLP tasks ranging from entity recognition to text generation. It evaluates various approaches (machine learning, rules, larger resources, ...) and their combinations.
Most of the course consists of students presenting and discussing papers relevant to a given topic. Part of the course also involves implementing a prototype system, typically replicating one described in one of the papers.
This course is organized as a discussion of important papers. Everybody reads all the papers to be able to participate in the discussion. For each paper, one student will be responsible for presenting the paper and leading the discussion.
Not every detail of each paper is important to us now. Do not present aspects that are no longer relevant (e.g., there was a lot of development in word embeddings, so there is typically no reason to discuss how a paper from 2001 handled it).
There is one programming [Project] due on July 31 (talk to me if you cannot meet the deadline). Note that using git and Pull requests is required.
Project | 0-50 |
Active class participation | 0-50 |
Total: | 0-100 |
Grade | Points |
1 | 90-100 |
2 | 76-89 |
3 | 60-75 |
4 | 0-59 |
Discussion on | Presented by | Topic | Slides |
Feb 17 | me | Introduction | Zippf's law, morphological analysis |
Feb 24 | me | Morphology: Yarowsky & Wicentowski (2000) Minimally Supervised Morphological Analysis by Multimodal Alignment | slides |
Mar 3 | Adriana | Morphology: Cucerzan & Yarowsky (2002) Bootstrapping a Multilingual Part-of-speech Tagger in One Person-day and Cucerzan & Yarowsky (2003) Minimally Supervised Induction of Grammatical Gender (presented together) | slides |
Mar 10 | me | Entities: Nadeau & Sekine (2007) A survey of named entity recognition and classification | |
Mar 17 | Jan | Entitity linking: Cucerzan (2007): Large-Scale Named Entity Disambiguation Based on Wikipedia Data | |
Mar 24 | Ori | Sentiment analysis: Mohammad (2017) Challenges in Sentiment Analysis | |
Mar 31 | ?? | Evaluation: Ribeiro et al (2020) Beyond Accuracy: Behavioral Testing of NLP Models with CheckList. | |
Apr 7 | ?? | ||
Apr 14 | Oliver | Prompting | |
Apr 21 | NO CLASS | ||
Apr 28 | RAG | ||
May 5 | Yauheni | Hallucinations | |
May 12 | Petr | Agents: | |
May 19 | NO CLASS |